Deep in the Heart of Texas

I went to college out of state in Alabama. Living somewhere other than Texas I became more proud to be a Texan. When I'm away from home and someone asks me where I'm from, it gives me great satisfaction to say Texas!

When my friend Natalie and I were traveling in Switzerland and people found out we were from Texas we had an instant audience!

People who are not from Texas are always dying to know and ask: Do you have cows? Horses? Live on a ranch? Drive a truck? Have you been to Southfork? Texans are used to these questions and like them because Texans are proud! No state is more recognizable, memorable, or loved.
You give kids a puzzle of the United States to put together no matter where they're from children will start with Texas!

I think of my sister Paige who just moved from New York City to San Francisco and comes home to visit maybe twice a year. When I see her I immediately assess her style! I notice she tries to keep Texas close to her by wearing cowboy boots. She may have lost her Texas accent but she is still proud to say she is a native Texan.

Texas style can be seen as historical. When my friend Margot's Dad came to visit her from Austria he was on a mission to find a John Wayne "duke" vest. Mission completed in Fort Worth!

When I would get home sick in college I listened to George Straight's Amarillo by Mornin'. That song just makes me want to get in the car and drive all around Texas!

It brings happy tears to my eyes to hear Kindergarten do their Texas program every year at the school where I teach. When they sing, The stars at night - are big and bright
Deep in the heart of Texas
it is simply magical.

Texas is known for our Cowboy Cuisine. When I was three I would help my Dad pluck the feathers off the quail he brought home from his hunt. My Dad's specialty is grilled quail wrapped in bacon with a jalapeno pepper inside.

Texas Hits by Ashley
Music: ZZ Top. Janis Joplin, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Stevie Ray Vaughan
Clothes: Stetsons, boots, jeans, BIG hair
Food: steaks, chili, bbq, tamales, tex-mex, pies
Books: The Sweetheart of Prosper County, Friday Night Lights, L is for Lone Star: A Texas Alphabet
Entertainment: Rangers, Cowboys, Billy Bob's, Texas Rattlesnake Round-up, Friday night football
Weather: heat, drought, hurricane, twister, flood, and more heat
Other: bluebonnets, armadillos, tumbleweeds, oil wells

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